Because of the large amount of hands on preparation that we do, personal hygiene plays a major role in the prevention of food contamination. By failing to follow health codes, we could face some very serious consequences which include:
Spread of illness or disease
Poor public image
Health Department violations & fines
Loss of income
Here are a few simple things we can do to prevent the spread of germs and food contamination.
Always wear a clean uniform.
Report any cuts, sores or illnesses to your manager.
Discard any food that touches the floor.
Do not eat while working with food.
Wear gloves.
Rinse your towel often in a sanitizer solution.
Wash hands frequently. Always wash your hands after sneezing, coughing, smoking, eating, using the restroom, blowing your nose, or brushing or touching your hair.
Proper Hand Washing
It is very important that every team member executes proper hand washing to prevent the spread of germs and cross contamination. The proper way to wash your hands: